Storozhenko, Andrii V.

Storozhenko, Andrii V. [Стороженко, Андрій; Storoženko, Andrij], b 24 August 1857 in Velyka Krucha, Pyriatyn county, Poltava gubernia, d ? Historian, ethnographer, and literary scholar. He studied at Kyiv University (1879) under Volodymyr Antonovych. He worked as head of the Pereiaslav county zemstvo administration (1886–92), speaker of the Pereiaslav and Pyriatyn zemstvo assemblies (1892–1912), and marshal of the nobility in Pereiaslav county (1912–16). Storozhenko was a member of the Kyiv Archeographic Commission, vice-president of the Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler, and associate of the journal Kievskaia starina, in which he published many documentary articles and notes. His main scholarly works examined the history of Ukraine and Poland from the 15th to 18th centuries. With his brother, Mykola V. Storozhenko (1862–1942), he edited and published the Storozhenko family archives (8 vols, 1902–10), which included the first two volumes of Vadym Modzalevsky’s Malorossiiskii rodoslovnik (Little Russian Genealogical Register; the two final volumes were also published by them, in 1912 and 1914).

Storozhenko sided with the conservative Ukrainian nobility in civic and political affairs. In his youth he was a liberal and a Ukrainophile, but later his position changed to one of Russian nationalism and anti-Ukrainianism, largely in reaction to 20th-century left-wing Ukrainian politics. He became one of the leaders of the Kyiv Club of Russian Nationalists, and he wrote the anti-Ukrainian work Proiskhozhdenie i sushchnost' ukrainofil'stva (The Origin and Essence of Ukrainophilism, 1911). Storozhenko opposed the rebirth of Ukrainian statehood in 1917 [see struggle for independence (1917–20)]. He edited the collection of essays Malaia Rus' (Little Rus’, 1917), and after emigrating, he published the pseudonymous anti-Ukrainian booklet Ukrainskoe dvizhenie (The Ukrainian Movement, 1926).

Arkadii Zhukovsky

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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