Ukrainskii vestnik (Saint Petersburg)

Ukrainskii vestnik (Saint Petersburg) (Ukrainian Herald). A Russian-language weekly organ of the Ukrainian caucus in the Russian State Duma, published in Saint Petersburg from June to September 1906 (a total of 14 issues). Published by N. Lototska and edited by Maksym Slavinsky, it contained articles on political, cultural, and economic affairs, and informed the public in the Russian Empire about the Ukrainian question and the autonomy movement. Regular contributors included Ukrainian figures such as Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Dmytro Doroshenko (managing editor), Oleksander Lototsky, Mykola Biliashivsky, Borys Hrinchenko, Serhii Yefremov, Leonid Zhebunev, Pavlo Zhytetsky, Bohdan Kistiakovsky, Mykhailo Lozynsky, Dmytro Markovych, Ivan Luchytsky, Petro Stebnytsky, Pavlo Chyzhevsky, Volodymyr Shemet, Illia Shrah, Fedir Vovk, Sofiia Rusova, Mykhailo Mohyliansky, Dmytro Bahalii, Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovsky, and Oleksander Rusov. Ivan Franko and Volodymyr Hnatiuk contributed reports from Galicia, and the Russian writer Dmitrii Ovsianiko-Kulikovsky submitted an article on the psychology of national creativity. The paper stopped appearing after the First State Duma was dissolved.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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