Zhyttia i znannia

Zhyttia i znannia («Життя і знання»; Life and Knowledge). A monthly self-educational magazine published by the Prosvita society in Lviv from October 1927 to August 1939 (a total of 143 issues). It contained popular articles in the fields of medicine and hygiene, the natural and technical sciences, farming, geography (descriptions of foreign countries), and the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language, literature, theater, music, and civic life; biographies and obituaries of prominent Ukrainians; some prose and poetry; occasional travel accounts; information about Prosvita and other community institutions; and book notes. Zhyttia i znannia was edited by Mykhailo Halushchynsky (1927–31), Ivan Bryk (1931–3), and Vasyl Simovych (1933–9). In 1930 it had a pressrun of 2,500 copies. Regular contributors included Mykola Andrusiak, Volodymyr Doroshenko, Petro Franko, Bohdan Halaichuk, Frants Kokovsky, Antin Krushelnytsky, Ivan Krypiakevych, Anatol Kurdydyk, Modest Levytsky, Antin Lototsky, Vasyl Pachovsky, Yaroslav Pasternak, Ivan A. Rakovsky, Jaroslav Rudnyckyj, Volodymyr Savchenko, Vasyl Shchurat, and Edvard Zharsky.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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