Moloda Ukraïna

Moloda Ukraïna («Молода Україна»; Young Ukraine). A monthly student journal published, with interruptions, in Lviv from January 1900 to March 1903 (a total of 33 issues); the unofficial organ of the Academic Hromada (Lviv). Its editors and publishers included M. Zalitach, Volodymyr Starosolsky, Ye. Kosevych, Antin Krushelnytsky, A. Hoshovsky, F. Tuziak, V. Tsebrovsky, and Stepan Baran. Among its contributors were the belletrists Les Martovych, Stepan Charnetsky, Vasyl Shchurat, Mykhailo Yatskiv, and Lesia Ukrainka, and many other young activists who gained prominence in the revolutionary period and interwar years. Moloda Ukraïna strongly supported the Ukrainian national movement and the concept of an independent unitary Ukraine. It published articles on Ukrainian history and culture and developments in the student movement—reporting extensively on Ukrainian student activities in Galicia, Bukovyna, Vienna, and Russian-ruled Ukraine—and advocated the establishment of a Ukrainian university in Lviv. The journal also contained commentaries on general political trends, usually from a populist or socialist perspective; book reviews; and a chronicle of current events. It was regularly subjected to censorship by the Austro-Hungarian government. Attempts at reviving the journal in 1905 (4 issues appeared, edited by Vasyl Paneiko) and again in 1910 as the organ of the Ukrainian Students' Union (7 issues edited by M. Vitoshynsky and Volodymyr Lototsky) were short-lived.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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