Zoria (Lviv)

Zoria (Lviv) [«Зоря»; Star]. A semimonthly literary and scholarly journal published in Lviv in 1880–5 by Omelian Partytsky and in 1885–97 by the Shevchenko Scientific Society. One of the most important journals of its time, it was devoted to pan-Ukrainian issues and topics, and united writers and subscribers from both Austrian- and Russian-ruled Ukraine. In 1891 it switched from using etymological spelling to a phonetic orthography. Zoria contained literary studies by Ivan Franko, Mykhailo Hrushevsky, V. Kotsovsky, Ahatanhel Krymsky, Omelian Ohonovsky, Kyrylo Studynsky, and Vasyl Shchurat, and articles on historical, ethnographic, and economic topics by Kornylo Zaklynsky, Orest Levytsky, Omelian Kalytovsky, Isydor Sharanevych, Franko, Danylo Lepky, Oleksander Konysky, and Borys Poznansky. Several biographies and memoirs, as well as the correspondence of prominent individuals, also appeared in the journal. Zoria was edited by Partytsky (to 1885), Kalytovsky, Oleksander Borkovsky (1886, 1888–9, 1897), Hryhorii Tsehlynsky (1887–8), Petro Skobelsky (1889–90), V. Tysovsky (1890–1), and Vasyl Lukych (1890–7). From 1885 Franko was managing editor. Zoria was succeeded by Literaturno-naukovyi vistnyk. A systematic index to it was published in Lviv in 1988.

 [This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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