Ukraïns’ka muzyka

Ukraïns’ka muzyka [«Українська музика»; Ukrainian Music]. A monthly music journal published by the Union of Ukrainian Professional Musicians. It appeared from March 1937 in Stryi, and from March to June 1939 in Lviv. The editor in chief was Zinovii Lysko, and the members of the editorial board included Vasyl Barvinsky, Roman Savytsky, Fedir Steshko, and Wasyl Wytwycky. Among the contributors were Stanyslav Liudkevych, Antin Rudnytsky, Mykhailo Haivoronsky, and Yevhen Tsehelsky. The periodical discussed music history, music criticism, the work of individual composers, and current musical affairs.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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